Summer School: Program

IGARSS 2025 Summer School

The summer school is to be held in conjunction with IGARSS 2025, and is sponsored by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). The summer school will be hosted by the Griffith University, Australia Gold Coast Campus located approximately 1 hour by train from Brisbane and the IGARSS’25 venue. The dates of the summer school are Thursday 31 July to Saturday 02 August 2025. Accordingly, summer school participants should arrange separate accommodation for the two events as commuting will not be convenient.


The IGARSS 2025 Summer School entitled "Australian Challenges" is addressed to students and young professionals who have great interest and enthusiasm in utilising data from Earth Observation (EO) platforms. It is designed to equip participants with knowledge and techniques on EO exploitation, machine learning (ML) and open data, towards supporting the wider community. Distinguished experts from various Australian Academic and Research Organisations will share their expertise and provide participants with theory and insights, tailored training, and hands on experiences, serving as inspiration and motivation for further engaging in the field of EO.

The summer school is designed around the specific thematic priority domains of international challenges such as fire and reef mapping. Participants will have the opportunity to attend introductory lectures on various aspects of remote sensing, sensors, and data analysis to enhance their understanding of the EO field and its practical applications. In addition, multiple hands-on sessions will be offered, providing practical experience in the use of novel instrumentation and on data processing techniques.

To further enhance the learning experience, a "challenge" activity will be assigned during the course of the summer school. It will be focussed on different aspects of EO, allowing participants, working in groups, to apply their newly acquired skills and knowledge through hands-on application. Cross-cultural and interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of ideas will be pursued during the "challenges", and each group will present its deliverables and findings.

Date: July 31 - August 2, 2025 (Thursday to Saturday)
Location: Griffith University, Australia Gold Coast Campus
Located approximately 1 hour by train from Brisbane and the IGARSS'25 venue.
Brief Program Outline:
Event Date
Day 1, Training Day
Introducing general concepts of machine learning.
Thursday, 31 July, 2025
Day 2, Data Challenge Day
Introducing a toolbox and data for the different challenges. Students to work in groups independently to solve the challenge.
Friday, 01 August, 2025
Day 3, Presentation Day
Groups will present their results
Saturday, 02 August, 2025

Note: This schedule is subject to change until the final program has been released.